Giveaway – Extra Loaded GF2P

Apr 14, 2023 | Giveaways | 38 comments


From now until April 30th, enter upto 4x to win a GF2P EXTRA LOADED Shotgun from yours truly. Best of luck! Follow the button below to get entered. Best of luck to all those who enter!



    Great Fire Arms wonderful customer service


      I have Two GForce shot guns ,I love them

      • Jerold Augustine

        The GKX 5 Filthy Pheasant I purchased shoulders great and conveniently light in weight. Looking forward to the range time.

  2. Kenneth Christopher

    Currently own G2P love it
    Best bang for the buck

    • Seth Schmerzler

      I love my ar 12 from GFORCE

      • Kendall Hampton

        I have the GFY-1 12g Bull pup and it is lots of fun. Surprisingly accurate shooting with slugs at distance.

        • Karl Hornberger

          Winning would be awesome.

    • Jerry N Sumpter

      GFORCE ARMS are good shots

  3. Forest Stokes

    I would love to win. I have no shotgun

    • Dar Alford

      Gforce is an awesome company and awesome people. Awesome gun designs !!

  4. Scott B Chacon

    I have a GFORCE Bullpup shotgun that I love, I would love to have the Modified GF2P added to my collection. Great company and products, I have no complaints at all.


      I have two GF shot guns, I love them

  5. Jason Harmon

    Would love to have this addition to my gforce gfy1

  6. James Taylor

    I need a tac shotgun. I live in the hood. Lol

  7. steve fowler

    I love my Filthy Pheasant so I’d love a Gforce tac shotgun!

  8. Tom

    Would be great to win one.

  9. Jerry

    I have a gf3t I love that shotgun

  10. Jeff Griffin

    I have one. Need another

  11. Jimmy

    Awesome products.

  12. Dale

    Have one 12 gauge now, love to add another!

  13. Scotty Glidewell

    I have 2 GFORCE bull pups really like them shot an patterns very good

  14. Christopher

    Awesome gun designs

  15. Jeremy Brannon

    You guys are awesome. Can you send me a list of dealers near Cheyenne Wyoming?

    • Joseph A.

      I have the 12g bullpup shotgun. Love it

  16. Randy

    Wish there were more cool gun makers in my area of midwestern IN.

  17. Robert

    The videos are straightforward and succinct. And a great new piece for my collection and protection.

  18. Manuel B Jurado


  19. John Detterline

    I love my GF 2P waiting for mag extension missed out last time

    • Juan m Hernandez

      Love the GF2 can’t wait for this

  20. James

    Taking my gforce pump action on another range trip today. 3 years and no problems. Solid shotguns for the money.

  21. Mark Leeber

    Very Nice! Solid shotguns!!!

  22. Jonathan

    This looks like a stellar shotgun and no doubt the winner is going to be very pleased!

  23. ELmis E. Kress, Jr.

    Very nice gun, when I had issues, they took care of it.

  24. James

    Own one shotgun, works as should. Reached out to customer service for some info they were great at getting back to me and recommendations of what I was looking for.

  25. Kie Ludwig

    I purchased the Huckleberry 410 lever action from our local dealer. It was missing a screw out of the rear sight l contacted them, and they sent one out right away. No questions asked awesome customer service and love the rifle.

  26. Devin

    I have a gf2p love it wish it had mor mods though

  27. jeff

    gforce: great company; friendly staff and on time delivery

  28. Alex Marks

    Winner Winner