Familiarize yourself with our brand and firearms.
My Gas Operated semi-auto shotgun seems to have cycling issues. Why?
The most common reason for a short cycle or jam in a gas operated semi-auto shotgun is the lack of velocity produced by the ammunition you are using. Your GForce Arms shotgun will perform and cycle optimally with ammunition that produces a velocity of 1,400 feet per second (FPS) or faster during the break-in period of about 100 rds. After initial break-in period, you can go as low as 1,350FPS for your ammunition.
Does my GForce Arms Firearm have a warranty?
Yes, we offer a limited lifetime warranty to the original owner of the firearm.
Please visit Warranty Registration for details on the warranty. If you have NOT registered for the warranty, you will want to do that. It will make warranty service much easier if you need covered work done. Please complete the warranty registration form on the warranty page listed above. Without the warranty registration, you may have to supply a copy of the receipt for the purchase of the firearm to get warranty service.
Are your shotguns compatible with Remington 870, Mossberg, or other makes and models for aftermarket stock/forend, parts and accessories?
Unfortunately, no.
We recently added an accessory that allows you to use Remington stocks on pump-action shotguns. Buy online.
If I need warranty service on my shotgun, what are the proper steps to take in order to send my gun into GForce Arms for warranty repair ?
The best way to initiate warranty service on your shotgun is to go to the service tab on our GForce Arms website at Complete and submit the form and you will immediately receive an email that your service request has been received.
You will receive either an email or a phone call from our customer service to discuss the issue and get your shotgun back into peak operating condition.
What chokes come with each Firearm?
Check out our website firearms here for a complete listing of specs and equipment that come with each firearm.
Some firearms come with three chokes (CYL, MOD, and FULL). Others only come with a MOD choke.
All of our shotguns (except the GF99DLX) are compatible with Benelli Mobil style chokes.
12 gauge and GFLVR410 shotguns (except the BR99DLX) are Benelli Mobil style chokes. The 20 gauge shotguns are HUGLU style chokes.
What magazine tube extension is recommended for the tube fed shotguns?
The tube fed GForce Arms models(2) are not currently compatible for magazine tube extensions.
Tube fed shotguns(2)
- GF11220
- GF11220B
- GF2P1220
- GF3P1220
- GFPG31220
- GF3T1220
My Filthy Pheasant shotgun break action lever doesn’t move all the way back to center when I close it. Is that ok? Why does it do that?
Over/Under shotguns have a locking block mechanism that is machined with EXTREMELY tight tolerances. On most new over/under shotguns of various brands, the lever may not go completely back to center. It will likely be slightly to the RIGHT of center. As the gun is used, the action and receiver will get “broken in” and will loosen up. You can also put a single dab of gun oil on that area just below the firing pins and then open/close the action a few times. The locking block slides back and forth to hold the barrel assembly in place. As that locking block plate slides, the oil will help make the block move more smoothly and will also help the action open and close easier. As long as the lever is center or slightly right of center, and the action is fully closed, the gun is safe to shoot. An indication of wear is when the lever comes to a rest to the LEFT of center. This is a sign of locking block wear and should be inspected by a certified gunsmith.
My gun will shoot 2 ¾ inch shells with no problem. Recently, I switched to 3 inch shells and am having a problem with them fully loading or feeding. Why?
If you intend to shoot different lengths of shell through the same gun, we recommend that you clean it before using a longer shell. Shooting shorter rounds in a gun will cause carbon to build up in the chamber area where a longer round would sit, and may cause loading/feeding issues when you switch to longer rounds. If you have shot a bunch of 2 3/4″ shells, clean the chamber before switching to 3″ to minimize reliability issues. This is true of any gun where you can load cartridges of different lengths.
My brand new GFLVR410 shotgun has difficulty cycling the next shell into the chamber when I close the lever. What do I need to do to solve this problem?
New firearms can always be a little stiff or tight. This is generally not an issue with a little “breaking in” of the firearm with a few rounds. There is an excellent YouTube video done independently by CitizenPew. In his review of the LVR410, he shows his experience with this issue, what he did, and how well it worked. Of course, we ALWAYS advise cleaning your firearm BEFORE you ever go to the range. Here’s the link to his video:
We have a teardown video on the GFLVR410 on our website at
Where are GForce Arms shotguns made?
Our shotguns are quality made in Turkey. Fun fact: Turkey is one of the largest exporters of shotguns worldwide.
What aftermarket magazines are compatible with my magazine fed shotgun?
Our magazine fed shotguns are MKA 1919 magazine compatible.
Magazine fed shotgun(3)
- GF991220
- GF991220-DLX
- GF12AR
- GFY11220
- GF001220
- GF00S1220
The markings on my GForce Arms shotgun states that it’s chambered for 3 inch (3”) cartridges. Can I shoot both 2 ¾” and 3” shells out of my GForce Shotgun?
Yes, you can shoot both 2 ¾” and 3” shells from your shotgun. We do not recommend the use of mini-shells.
Do you offer firearms for left-handed shooters?
Unfortunately, no.
Will my shotgun shoot SLUG shells?
- We strongly recommend using an improved cylinder IMP CYL or cylinder CYL choke for shooting slugs out of your GForce Arms shotgun.
Shotgun SLUG ammunition comes in different varieties. Most experts do not recommend shooting slugs through a MOD choke or smaller for the simple reason that some slug ammunition types could “plug” the barrel and cause damage to your firearm or could even be potentially harmful or fatal to the shooter. This is the PRIMARY reason we do not recommend shooting slugs through some of our models that come with a FIXED MOD or FIXED FULL choke-sized muzzle. Familiarize yourself with your firearm and the ammunition you are shooting! Shotguns are not like handguns or rifles. Shotgun shells can come in different types of pellets in both size and material, as well as different lengths of shells and velocity. CHOKES serve a very important purpose for which you should also understand. Consult a firearms expert if you need training in your firearm or the purpose of the different parts of the gun.
Can I mount accessories on my GForce Arms shotgun?
Yes! All of our pump action shotguns come with a 3/8″ inch dovetail rail system on the top for mounting optics. There are “dovetail to picatinny” adaptors available aftermarket to convert the dovetail rail to a picatinny rail for picatinny optics mounts. Just do an internet search on “dovetail to picatinny rail adaptor”.
Which chokes are compatible with my GForce Arms Shotgun?
- With the exception of the GF991220-DLX model, all of the semi-auto shotgun models are threaded to accept Benelli/Beretta Mobil choke tubes. The GF991220-DLX model comes with a thread pattern than is not compatible with any other readily available choke tube.
GForce Arms pump-action shotguns(4) are not threaded for the use of choke tubes or muzzle devices.
- All “12 gauge and GFLVR410 shotguns” (except the BR99DLX), are Benelli Mobil style chokes. The 20 gauge shotguns are HUGLU style chokes.
Pump-Action Shotguns(4)
- GF2P1220
- GF3P1220
- GFPG31220
- GF3T1220
Why are the chokes that came with my GForce Arms firearm not marked? How do I tell them apart?
Our chokes come with a “notch” marking system. Look at the muzzle end of the choke and see how many notches it has. Here are the notch numbers and accompanying choke indication:
- 1 notch = Full
- 2 notches = Improved modified
- 3 notches = Modified
- 4 notches = Improved cylinder
- 5 notches = Cylinder
Other Questions and Answers about Chokes:
Q: Which chokes are recommended for slugs?
A: These chokes are recommended for slugs:
- 4 notches = Improved cylinder
- 5 notches = Cylinder
A cylinder choke is recommended for shooting rifled slugs in a smooth-bore barrel. Sabot slugs should only be shot through our fully-rifled slug barrels.
It is not safe to shoot slugs through chokes tighter than those listed here.
Q: Which chokes are recommended for steel shot?
A: These chokes are recommended for steel shot:
- 3 notches = Modified
- 4 notches = Improved cylinder
- 5 notches = Cylinder
What is the difference between heavy/light load?
There are many opinions on what a “heavy” load is. Some define it as the weight/size of the ball inside…6 and above being standard load and below 6 being HEAVY load. Others consider it a defining line between 2 ¾ inch as STANDARD load and 3 inch as HEAVY load.
Finally, another opinion is that of the amount of powder charge. If you follow one of these, you’re probably ok.
What cleaning solution do you recommend?
There are many quality firearm cleaning and lubricating solutions. We use CLP Break-Free gun cleaner and lubricant after each day at the range.
Can My 5 Round Magazine Attach to my Picatinny Rail?
Some of the models (all models EXCEPT the GF/BR991220 model) comes with a polymer grip and picatinny rail mount on the bottom so you can mount the magazine to the picatinny rail on the bottom of your handguard. The magaziness are made so that the polymer cover on the side of the magazine faces outward towards the muzzle end of the gun, and the magazine can be attached by sliding it from the rear of the picatinny rail forward. If you go from the front of the rail and slide back, it may not slide on. They are made to go in one direction.
Have a different question?
We would love to hear from you. We appreciate you taking the time to do your own research.


9:00AM - 5:00PM PST
Submit a warranty request on our website to register your firearm.
For all warranty questions, please email us at:
Is your firearm malfunctioning? Missing tools or parts in your firearm box? Our Service Dept. would be happy to assist. Navigate to the Service tab on our website and fill out a request and we'll be right with you.
For all customer service questions, please email us at:
For all other general questions, please email us at: