Youth Sponsorship Update
GForce Arms takes pride in supporting trap teams across the U.S. We’d like to put a focus on the New Glarus Trap Team and their recent achievements & happenings.

One of my first year seniors is a hardworking and always positive/smiling guy. He comes directly from his job at a machine/welding shop to shoot. Moments before he was scheduled to shoot, I announced that he would be a team Co-Captain this season. I gave him one of the hats you sent as a little added bonus. He goes out and shoots a perfect score of 25/25! It’s custom for the whole team to shoot the hat of a perfect score. Mitchell said it will have to wait until next week, this is his new lucky hat! Here he is pictured receiving his “Straight 25” patch.

We wrapped up our 5 week regular season this week. Yesterday we had a family day/picnic with awards etc. We will be starting our tourneys and then concluding with the state tourney in June. 35 of our 50 student athletes will compete across 3 levels (novice, jv and varsity). Wisconsin had 107 teams in the league this year with our team being the 7th largest! Thank you for all of your help with the team this year. We look forward to hopefully continuing our partnership/sponsorship next season.